
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Morning!

Hey there everybody! Nothing crafty planned for today, just Physical Therapy for my Hubby's leg and catching up on the mountain of laundry my family of 6 piles up. Hubby's leg is getting stronger and stronger every day. It was probably the worst thing I will ever hear in my life, the phone call I received telling me my husband has been shot in the line of duty. I was one of the lucky ones, the bullet broke his femur and my husband was able to come home to us after a brief hospital stay. I will forever be thankful for that.

Anywhoo, I made a cute little sundress out of this comfy knit fabric for my 2 year old munchkin.

And maybe she'll let me have a little photo shoot today so I can show you how cute it turned out....if not, I can alway make one for my oldest daughter too. She lives for the camera!

I never did get my 2 year old to stand still long enough to take a picture, so I just had to whip up a matching dress for my oldest daughter.

Yup, that's my girl!

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