Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Cake Pops!
So earlier today I mentioned that I was going to do some baking for my sister's birthday, regardless of the fact that she lives in New York and would only be able enjoy a picture of the yummyness I made. I decided to try some cake pops, a la Bakerella. If you haven't heard of her yet check out her website, She has the cutest ideas! It turns out that cake pops are a lot harder to make than they look. While my 3 youngest were playing quietly this morning (for once!) I threw the cake in the oven, managed to get a load of laundry done while the cake baked and cooled, then crumbled the cake and mixed in the icing. Took a little break to make the kiddos lunch and that's when they discovered Mommy is baking! "Can I have some?", "What dat?", and my youngest, "cake?" Aww.
Then I started rolling cake balls. They are messy. Really messy. And time consuming. After a few I realized my kids were awfully quiet, and found the boys watching their baby sister color on the wall with an orange crayon, big smiles on their faces! Ugh. As per Bakerella's tip I put the cake balls in the freezer for awhile to make them easier to dunk in the chocolate, and got the kids settled in for a nap (sort of). I got my chocolate melted and my lollipop sticks ready and starting dunking. I realized very quickly that Bakerella must have the patience of a saint because each pop took forever! A bunch of them wouldn't even stay on the stupid stick! I ended up only making 5 cake pops and the rest I just rolled in chocolate. They looked like truffles, which is kinda cool too. This was definitely a project for after my kids' bedtime though, as you can see by how they turned out. I'll definitely be trying cake pops again though, because they might not have turned out too pretty this time, but they sure tasted good!
You are so talented! Even without the sticks, these look very cute and very delicious! You continue to amaze me! ♥